Bring Ner Echad to Your Community
With hugs and blessings, Rebbetzin Kanievsky welcomed thousands of women from all walks of life into her home and created warm bonds of friendship and unity between them. Now, in her memory, and to perpetuate her remarkable legacy, Ner Echad is bringing Jewish women together - as never before - from all over the world to awaken, inspire, energize, strengthen, and support each other. Every new member joining Ner Echad adds strength and untold value to our sacred mission. There are many ways you can help spread the word. See the list below for which of these methods works for you.
Share the Ner Echad Video with Your Friends
Thousands of women have already viewed and enjoyed the Ner Echad animated video. Send it to your family and friends so they too can be inspired by it.
Write about Ner Echad
on Your Blog/Website
Tell your family, friends, and readers what Ner Echad means to you. Share with them what it feels like to light Shabbos candles as part of a worldwide women’s movement. Tell them how meaningful it is, knowing that at the exact moment your tzedakah donation is going to the Batsheva Kanievsky W ...
Tell your family, friends, and readers what Ner Echad means to you. Share with them what it feels like to light Shabbos candles as part of a worldwide women’s movement. Tell them how meaningful it is, knowing that at the exact moment your tzedakah donation is going to the Batsheva Kanievsky Women & Children Fund, contributions are pouring in from fellow Ner Echad members around the world, taking place together at candle-lighting time in Jerusalem, the spiritual center of the Universe. Let them know how fulfilling it is to include a special prayer when you light for a woman across the country whom you may never have met but who shares your commitment to the Jewish people and Ner Echad.
Speak about Ner Echad at a Public Event
Bringing the glow of Shabbos into our homes through giving tzedakah, lighting candles, and heartfelt tefillah is a deeply meaningful act for Ner Echad members. Share the inspiration Ner Echad has provided you with others in need of spiritual uplift. When you get together with friends or atten ...
Bringing the glow of Shabbos into our homes through giving tzedakah, lighting candles, and heartfelt tefillah is a deeply meaningful act for Ner Echad members. Share the inspiration Ner Echad has provided you with others in need of spiritual uplift. When you get together with friends or attend an event in your community, tell them about Ner Echad and how they can get involved. Encourage them to visit the Ner Echad website and watch our video.
Give an Inspirational Class
Whether you’d like to teach an inspirational class about Rebbetzin Kanievsky’s life, the beauty of candle lighting, how to deepen your tefilah,or the art and halachos of challah baking, we can help. We’d be happy to provide you with promotional and study materials. Please contact our office f ...
Whether you’d like to teach an inspirational class about Rebbetzin Kanievsky’s life, the beauty of candle lighting, how to deepen your tefilah,or the art and halachos of challah baking, we can help. We’d be happy to provide you with promotional and study materials. Please contact our office for more information.
Organize a Ner Echad Function
How special to be part of a worldwide organization dedicated to the mitzvot of candle lighting, tzedakah, and tefillah! Now imagine the power that could be generated if all of the women in your very own community joined Ner Echad. Organize a get-together to introduce Ner Echad in your local co ...
How special to be part of a worldwide organization dedicated to the mitzvot of candle lighting, tzedakah, and tefillah! Now imagine the power that could be generated if all of the women in your very own community joined Ner Echad. Organize a get-together to introduce Ner Echad in your local community. We’d be happy to send you posters and packets to make your event a success. Please contact our office for more information.
Hold a Ner Echad Challah-Baking Event
Challah baking in honor of Shabbos is an auspicious time for prayer. During the course of each year, many hundreds of women joined Rebbetzin Kanievsky in her modest apartment in Bnei Brak Israel for group challah baking. Bring the women of your community together for a special evening of chal ...
Challah baking in honor of Shabbos is an auspicious time for prayer. During the course of each year, many hundreds of women joined Rebbetzin Kanievsky in her modest apartment in Bnei Brak Israel for group challah baking. Bring the women of your community together for a special evening of challah baking. Mindy Raflowitz, recipe developer, columnist, and cookbook author, demonstrates Rebbetzin Kanievsky’s personal challah recipe in a special Ner Echad video. To view the video or play it at your event, go to /challah. For more information about the mitzvah of challah, visit /mitzvot on our website or contact us.
Speak about Ner Echad at Your Shul
We encourage you to become a Ner Echad ambassador and share the mission of Ner Echad with the women of your shul and the entire Jewish community.
Promote Ner Echad in Your School
Ner Echad is a wonderful way to bring the women of your community together. Hold a Ner Echad event at the school in which you teach or which your children attend. Please contact our office for additional information and materials.