Share Your Personal Story About the Rebbetzin
Esther T., Jerusalem Israel
My daughter and my son-in-law have been married over 13 years (bli Ayin Hara) and have been blessed with Brachot Yelladim. Needless to say, the blessings started out with the tefillot of Rebbetzin Kanievsky z"l and her husband Rav Chaim.
When my daughter had just started shidduchim she decided ...
My daughter and my son-in-law have been married over 13 years (bli Ayin Hara) and have been blessed with Brachot Yelladim. Needless to say, the blessings started out with the tefillot of Rebbetzin Kanievsky z"l and her husband Rav Chaim.
When my daughter had just started shidduchim she decided to to travel to Bnei Brak to ask the Rebbetzin for a bracha. The rebbetzin baked cakes for Shabbos with her on Thursday night and had my daughter sit in the chair of the Steipler to say special tehillim.
After 4 long years of shidduchim, needless to say, my daughter was discouraged and distraught. She decided to go back again to visit the Rebbetzin and ask her advice about her difficult situation. On seeing her again and hearing that she was not yet engaged, the Rebbetzin insisted that she had already met him or at least heard his name and passed him by. She was so sure that her prayers and those of her husband, Rav Chaim, had been accepted.
The Rebbetzin was right. Miriam's future husband had been the first shidduch offer we had when she was just 20 years old. He was from our same neighborhood and had been offered many times by different people who knew them both. The future couple had never met and when they finally did meet, it was beshert!

Zahava , Boro Park
Whenever I think of my meeting with Rebbetzin Batsheva Kanievsky, I see a video playing in front of my eyes. Her smile and the kiss she gave me on my cheek stays with me.
She took me by the hand and led me up the stairs with my husband following - the Rebbetzin marched up the stairs - throug ...
Whenever I think of my meeting with Rebbetzin Batsheva Kanievsky, I see a video playing in front of my eyes. Her smile and the kiss she gave me on my cheek stays with me.
She took me by the hand and led me up the stairs with my husband following - the Rebbetzin marched up the stairs - through long line of men waiting to enter the house for their time with Rav Kanievsky. She told me to sit in the Steiplers chair. I was nervous to do so but she insisted and so I sat. I also nervously ran my fingers over all the holy seforim - such a holy place I entered! The Rebbetzin served my husband and I a drink and most importantly gave me a bracha for a child as this was the purpose of coming to the Rav.
Did I have a child soon after? The answer is no - I actually had to be a nudnik to HaShem, crying, crying crying. Rav Kanievsky and his lovely Rebbetzin's bracha did come to be....... at the age of 47. Here is our tzadik. Thank you HaShem! Please here our son giving over the 9 days of Pesach story in English and Yiddish. LISTEN OUT FOR MOSHIACH it came out nowhere!

Rena, Ramat Beit Shemesh
When I was 9 months pregnant with my first child, I went with my husband, sister, and some friends who were visiting from America to Bnei Brak to get a bracha from Rebitzen Kanievsky.
It was Tuesday, the day before Erev Sukkos -quite a busy time for most of Klal Yisroel. But in the Kanievsky ...
When I was 9 months pregnant with my first child, I went with my husband, sister, and some friends who were visiting from America to Bnei Brak to get a bracha from Rebitzen Kanievsky.
It was Tuesday, the day before Erev Sukkos -quite a busy time for most of Klal Yisroel. But in the Kanievsky home, things were running as usual and Rebbitzen Kanievsky was welcoming many visitors and she always did. The Rebbitzen gave me a bracha for an easy delivery and she told me that my baby would "be a tzaddik iyh." She also gave me a container of her famous esrog jelly, which is a segula for an easy birth.
Four days later, on Motzei Shabbos Chol Hamoed, I heard that the Rebbitzen was niftar. I was in shock. I mean just four days earlier I had gotten a bracha from her and shook her hand. At that point I told myself that I am naming my baby after the Rebbitzen- not even knowing what her first name was. Two weeks later, my daughter was born. They say that parents have ruach hakodesh when they name their child, and throughout the pregnancy we had been planning to name our daughter Elisheva and call her Shevi. When I found out that the Rebbitzen's name was Batsheva, I was floored. We could still call her Shevi- and we did! It's a real zechus to have my daughter be one of the first girls to be named after the Rebbitzen and my hope is that she follows in her ways.
The photo attached is a picture of my sister and I when we got our bracha from the Rebbitzen.

I was never zoche to meet the Rebbetzin but read the book a while after I got married and was waiting for children. In the segula section I read that the Rebbetzin would often tell people waiting for a yeshua to take upon themselves to say Nishmas when the yeshua happens. I immediately took tha ...
I was never zoche to meet the Rebbetzin but read the book a while after I got married and was waiting for children. In the segula section I read that the Rebbetzin would often tell people waiting for a yeshua to take upon themselves to say Nishmas when the yeshua happens. I immediately took that upon myself and it was only a matter of weeks until results showed that a huge problem we were struggling with, going from Dr to Dr suddenly resolved itself. From that Shabbos onwards my husband and I try bli neder to say Nishmas after candle lighting (which we try to take in ten minutes early since we heard that that was what the Rebbetzin used to advise) We were now suddenly a huge step along the way of our journey for children. Succos time this year 2 months after this huge Yeshua I saw the ad advertising Ner Echad, feeling a special connection to this holy cause after our previous experiences, we signed up with our names for fertility... Just about 3 months later we got the phone call we've always dreamt of - the babies BE''H on its way!

Rebbetzin Chaya T.,
Reflections from a Har Nof neighbor of the four Kedoshim, HY"D
Rebbetzin Chaya Tavin
We heard the ambulances. We heard there was a terrorist attack. Then we heard it was at our shul down the road. We got a phone call from Chaya Levine asking my husband to please look at the shul next door to ...
Reflections from a Har Nof neighbor of the four Kedoshim, HY"D
Rebbetzin Chaya Tavin
We heard the ambulances. We heard there was a terrorist attack. Then we heard it was at our shul down the road. We got a phone call from Chaya Levine asking my husband to please look at the shul next door to see if her husband Rav Kalman Levine was there. My husband had davened neitz (sunrise) with him just a short time ago.
We heard names - we heard rumors - we didn't want to believe they were true.
What about Rav Kalman Levine? We still didn't know for sure and rumors were flying- but Rav Kalman was the most alive person in the world. He was the reason many people came to our shul on Simchas Torah - to see Rav Kalman's ecstatic dancing with his beloved Torah. We should have known that if he didn't come home and didn't call - something was terribly wrong. But we couldn't believe it could be. And then we heard. The brutal animals shot their guns as they yelled out their vicious war cry. They butchered Rav Kalman as he stood in the hallway absorbed in a sefer - those few seconds gave some of the men in the minyon time to flee out another door. Rav Kalman's last act of ahavas Yisroel was to save the life of his friends.
And now- Rav Moshe, Rav Aryeh, Rav Avraham, Rav Kalman are in the Beis Medrash Shel Maalah Heavenly School) - with their beloved Torah.
Between the hope and the tears, My husband said to me: "Chaya, do you remember... Our Binyomin Dovid was a sickly baby born with Down syndrome and a host of other medical issues, and I needed chizuk (encouragement). I made my way to Bnei Brak to see Rebbetzin Batsheva Kanievsky. I waited outside until it was my turn. I came in to her- a sleeping baby in my arms. Rebbetzin Kanievsky took one look at Binyomin Dovid and said "you don't know what shmira (protection) you have in your home." I thought I understood. I thought, perhaps other things would be easier, because this child would be difficult. But now, almost 13 years later, I understand. Binyomin Dovid was the only reason my husband was not in his usual minyan that morning. And because he knew my husband wasn't coming, his post davening chavrusa (learning partner) - a stalwart regular in that minyan, decided to daven elsewhere that morning. We could not have imagined so many years ago that our son would save his father's life and the life of his chavrusa.
The stories of Hasgocha Pratit (Divine protection) abound. Those who were saved and those who were not saved. One thing was clear, although it appeared random- but it is only random in the eyes of the world- we have to know that it is exacting in the eyes of Hashem, and that while we cannot possibly understand the equation - we know it is the Truth.
To us, it is clear that the world is run with exactitude- and that this brutal butchering of innocent souls had purpose and meaning. We must focus inward- -avoiding politics and rage. We must focus our energy inward by asking what each of us can do better than before. That is the Jewish response.
Wednesday morning my husband davened in his minyan. He set out no shtender, laid out no siddur. R' Chaim Yechiel Rothman, fighting for his life, was not there to call out "Kohanim." Rav Moshe Twersky zt"l was not there to lein (read the Torah). He will not ask for an Aliyah for his grandmother's yahrtzeit this upcoming Rosh Chodesh Teves. My husband, the Gabbai of the shul, took out his Gabbai book which contained a listing of all the shul members, and tearfully added to four of the names. May Klal Yisroel be consoled with the imminent arrival of Moshiach.
Rebbetzin Chaya Tavin, Har Nof, 2014