Share Your Personal Story About the Rebbetzin

Suri K., Brooklyn
When I was in high school I was privileged to go on a trip to Eretz Yisrael with my father. One of the highlights for me was my visit with Rebbetzin Kanievsky. I remember her smiling so warmly and saying "ah, what nice visitors from Chutz L'Aretz" as if our presence in her home had made her day ...
When I was in high school I was privileged to go on a trip to Eretz Yisrael with my father. One of the highlights for me was my visit with Rebbetzin Kanievsky. I remember her smiling so warmly and saying "ah, what nice visitors from Chutz L'Aretz" as if our presence in her home had made her day. She always knew just the right thing to say to each person to make them feel so good and special. I cherish the memory I have from that visit, and thank you for giving me the opportunity to share it!
Shana K., Lakewood, NJ
My first time meeting Rebbetzin Kanievsky was nearly ten years ago when I was touring with a large group of women who were in Israel for an Agudath Israel trip. My Yerushalayim daughter and her friend joined the group, as well as a dear friend from Los Angeles.
After Rebbetzin Kanievsky spo ...
My first time meeting Rebbetzin Kanievsky was nearly ten years ago when I was touring with a large group of women who were in Israel for an Agudath Israel trip. My Yerushalayim daughter and her friend joined the group, as well as a dear friend from Los Angeles.
After Rebbetzin Kanievsky spoke to us all, the group filed out and had the opportunity to briefly meet her personally as we passed. Nearly all the women wrote up little notes to give the Rebbetzin to ask for her Tefilos. When my turn came I asked the Rebbetzin to Daven for my LA friend who was having back trouble, for my daughter's friend who needed a Shidduch, and also for my daughter who was then expecting her first child. The Rebbetzin looked at me and told me to wait in the room while all the other ladies slowly left.
When we were alone the Rebbetzin took my hands and warmly told me that my son-in-law should check the Mezuzos in their apartment, that both of them should say a particular chapter in Tehillim daily, and that they should be very careful to always observe the Seudah of Melave Malka. I was mystified by her care and concern, not to mention her detailed instructions.
The very next day my daughter and son-in-law received the alarming news that blood tests showed that my daughter had contracted CMV, a viral infection which can have horrible consequences for a pregnant woman's baby. When we had met the Rebbetzin the day before, I only mentioned the pregnancy as an afterthought to the other two requests for Tefilos, not having any idea that the expected grandchild was in such danger. Needless to say the Rebbetzin's instructions were carefully carried out. Our beautiful grandson was born healthy, Boruch Hashem.
Months later our eldest daughter visited Israel and brought her younger sister and little nephew with her on a visit to the Rebbetzin. As soon as the Rebbetzin saw the baby she inquired repeatedly: "Hu Bari?" (Is he healthy?). And the following year as I again toured Bnei Brak with the Agudah group, the Rebbetzin warmly took my hand as we all filed passed her and didn't let go. I stood there bewildered as she continued to grip my hand as all the ladies in the group filed past. I realized that no one would believe this so I actually managed to reach into my purse for my camera with my left hand, and snapped a photo of the Rebbetzin's hand holding mine. When everyone had left Rebbetzin Kanievsky just looked at me with love, held my hand another minute, and let me go.